When you’re looking at a list of “super vitamins” for overall health, Vitamin E always makes the top of the list – and for good reason.
Vitamin E is an essential nutrient that supports your immune system and promotes artery health. It helps increase circulation and strengthen muscles. It’s also a powerful antioxidant that reduces the effects of free radical damage throughout your body—and especially your skin.
You can take vitamin E internally as a nutritional supplement. But for direct skin benefits, most people use Vitamin E topically by applying the oil directly on their skin.
Soothes dry skin, powers up natural hydration
Vitamin E is considered an anti-aging nutrient that guards against wrinkles and premature aging. It is rich in natural anti-inflammatory compounds that help soothe redness and irritation. It’s also used as an effective moisturizer to boost hydration and keep your skin looking soft and glowing.
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Is Topical Vitamin E really the holy grail for skincare that manufacturers claim?
Vitamin E has been touted as a treatment to help fade scars, relieve skin irritation, and soothe burns. But current studies don’t support the use of Vitamin E for any of these conditions.
Many people believe that rubbing vitamin E oil onto your acne scars can help them heal, but there’s little research to support this claim.

And while the antioxidants in topical Vitamin E may protect your skin against the effects of free radical and UV damage, there’s no valid research to show that it keeps acne under control.
But here’s the most important reason why you should proceed with caution:
Vitamin E Oil Can make your acne worse.
Skin experts say that vitamin E oil can absorb deeply into the skin and hold moisture in.
While that’s true, here’s the problem: Vitamin E oil is thick and greasy. If you have acne, the last thing you need is another layer of oil clogging your pores.
In fact, studies show that repeated applications of topical Vitamin E can cause itching, burning, and contact dermatitis!
And these are the problems that occur using natural forms of topical Vitamin E. Synthetic Vitamin E oil is much worse for your skin. It’s also the most popular type found in stores!
Take these skin-loving nutrients instead of vitamin E
There are several other vitamins and herbs that are far more effective for treating acne than Vitamin E.

Vitamin A, for example, slows down cell turnover, which leads to fewer clogged pores. Zinc acts as a natural anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory that protects against acne. You’ll find them both in Clove Hill Skin Clarity.
Chaste Berry Vitex is an herb that supports a healthy hormone balance, which is important to clear and control stubborn acne. Natural Acne Clinic offers an organic Chaste Berry Vitex formula specially designed to help relieve hormonal acne.
Fish oil is rich in Omega 3 fatty acids, which act as a natural anti-inflammatory. Since inflammation is at the core of acne, taking a high-quality Omega 3 supplement like Clove Hill Fish Oil is one of the best things you can do for your skin.
Another way to help clear your acne from the inside-out is by taking a high potency probiotic.
Your gut contains billions of good bacteria that help protect your immune system, minimize inflammation, and remove toxins out of your body. And these good bacteria keep your digestion healthy, too. But when the bad bacteria start overtaking the good—trouble follows. Trouble that shows up on your skin!
What’s more, people with acne are often prescribed antibiotics. While antibiotics may kill off bad bacteria—they take the good bacteria along with it. Before you know it, your system is completely depleted!
Choose a probiotic supplement that contains a mix of both bifidobacteria and lactobacillus to help quickly replenish good bacteria and promote intestinal balance.
Clove Hill Probiotic contains different strains of friendly bacteria that help reduce inflammation and soothe acne while supporting overall digestive health.
Ready to clear your acne once and for all? We can help
From our experience treating thousands of clients, acne usually appears to be triggered by a combination of issues, rather than one. That’s why a typical one-size-fits-all approach rarely works when it comes to clearing and controlling acne over the long run.
If you have tried it all and still have acne, our comprehensive 16-week Online Acne Program is the answer. Our Online Acne Program has a 95% success rate helping thousands of clients get clear. We can help you too!
Get started on your journey to clear by booking an Online Acne Consult today.